If your work combines different art forms

It is possible to apply for funding for artistic work that breaks with traditional genres or that is simply hard to define.

In the Danish Arts Foundation, we aim to support creative thinking and innovative ideas. However, this sort of artistic work does not necessarily fit into the categories we have used to classify art forms and our committees. Nevertheless, artistic work that embraces different art forms is as important as more traditional art.

Therefore, the Danish Art Foundation’s committees welcome all applications that border on or go beyond traditional art forms. If a committee does not have sufficient knowledge of a particular art form represented in your application, it will seek help from another relevant committee within the Danish Arts Foundation.

Your application must obviously meet the general requirements for the funding programme that your application is directed to. However, beside these requirements, there are some additional guidelines for how to apply, when your work combines different art forms.

When you apply for project funding

If your application primarily concerns one specific art form and only to a lesser extent includes others, you should only submit one application. In this case, submit your application to the funding program you find most relevant.

If your project combines two or more different art forms on equal terms, you may split up your project into separate subprojects and submit separate applications for each subproject to different funding programmes.

When you break down your project into several applications, it is important that you also split up your budget, since you are not able to get the same expenses covered by more than one funding programme. Additionally, you must remember to state clearly that you have applied for funding from other programmes within the Danish Arts Foundation, with applications relating to other parts of your projects.

If you find it difficult to split up your project, you have to decide on a programme that you submit one application to, which covers the entire project.

In some cases, two or more committees join together to fund a grant. This will often happen, if a project’s budget is too large for one committee to fund it all.
